A web programming language to control your website page elements and to perform action on it, as per your logical need

  • Color Codes
  • Don't
  • Tips
  • Note
  • Information
  • grade Above color codes are used in this tutorial

Required, Must learn to start writing your own javascript codes


Used to control or access browser related features as per your logical need


Used to control or access document and its elements related features as per your logical need


We want you to write and run the javascript codes on your own computer/PC so that you can modify or execute the codes even if you are off-line and for that, you need

  • Text Editor You can use any text editor (like notepad in windows)
  • Web Browser To run the html & javascript files
  • You can use any operating system (like Windows, Linux, macOS )
  • Tips! You can use any popular text editors like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Notepad++, Brackets, Geany

Web Browsers

Popular Web Browsers, You can use any Browser to run your HTML file.

Browsers Supports
SafariMicrosoft EdgeMozilla FirefoxChromeOpera Mini

Click on the above icon to see the name of the browser !

  • Tips! Always try to use latest version of browser