RegExp Character Sets
- turned_in_notCharacter Sets
- [abc] : defines specific selection
- [^abc] : defines other than specific selection
- [a-c] : defines range selection
- [^a-c] : defines other than range selection
- To run below examples, try it inside
tag, in a basic html file
It matches any character specified in the square brackets.
like [abc] : match any 'a' or 'b' or 'c'
For example :
var str="have a good day";
var pattern=/[agty]/g;
// Output: a,a,g,a,y
Matches: have a good day
It matches any character other then in the square brackets. Just add '^' at the beginning
like [^abc] : match any, other then a,b,c
For example :
var str="great day";
var pattern=/[^agty]/g;
// Output: r,e, ,d
Matches: great day
It matches any character within the range specified in the square brackets.
[abc] same as [a-c] in short
[0123456789] same as [0-9] in short
For example :
var str="great work";
var pattern=/[e-k]/g;
// Output: g,e,k
Matches: great work
It matches any character other then, within the range in the square brackets.
[^abc] same as [^a-c] in short
[^0123456789] same as [^0-9] in short
For example :
var str="great work";
var pattern=/[^e-k]/g;
// Output: r,a,t, ,w,o,r
Matches: great work
Hello welcome back, abcd efgh ijkl mnopq rstuv wxyz ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOPQ RSTUV WXYZ 01234 56789 */\? +-$#= @!^&| _([{
- Remember ! Inside square bracket
,every character act as individual, except^ - \
(only when used at proper place)
- trending_downBit Detailed
Using an example:
when we use
then it looks for
possible matches : acd, bcd if found any, return the match
no flag : found first match(return) then stop else return nullwhen we use
then it looks for
possible matches : acd, bcd if found any, return the match
using 'g' flag : search whole string & returns all matcheswhen we use
then it looks for
possible matches : acd, Acd, bcd, Bcd if found any, return the match
using 'g' flag : search whole string & returns all matches
using 'i' flag : just ignore cases