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Methods Used addColorStop() To specify the colors and stop position of colors, to the gradient object arc() To define an arc arcTo() To define an arc between two tangents beginPath() To reset current defined path & start to define new fresh path to draw bezierCurveTo() To define a bezier curve clearRect() To clear/erase a rectangular portion on canvas clip() To show only the clipped region closePath() To close the current path with a straight line createImageData() To create imageData object createLinearGradient() To create linear gradient createPattern() To create a pattern createRadialGradient() To create radial gradient drawImage() To draw any image, video or other canvas onto the canvas fill() To draw filled defined paths or shapes fillRect() To draw filled rectangle fillText() To draw filled text getContext() To create a 2d context object getImageData() To get an image, video or other canvas pixel data getLineDash() To get the last outline dash style set by setLineDash()
isPointInPath() To check whether the specified point lies within the area covered by the defined paths/shapes or not isPointInStroke() To check whether the specified point lies within the area of the current defined path's stroke or not lineTo() To define a line for a new added point from the last specified point in the canvas measureText() To measure the width of any text in pixels moveTo() To create a starting point to begin in the canvas putImageData() To put imageData object info onto the canvas quadraticCurveTo() To define a quadratic curve rect() To define a rectangle restore() To restore the last saved drawing state point rotate() To rotate the current drawing save() To save the current drawing state scale() To scale the current drawing setLineDash() To set the outline dash style setTransform() To transform the current drawing normally relative to their actual position onto the canvas stroke() To draw an outline/stroke of defined paths or shapes strokeRect() To draw a stroked empty (no fill) rectangle strokeText() To draw a stroked empty (no fill) text transform() To transform the current drawing translate() To translate the current drawing along xy-axis
- turned_in_notProperties
Properties Used fillStyle To set/get the drawing fill color, gradient or pattern filter To change the visual effect of shape, text, path, image or anything drawn on canvas font To set/get the text font style globalAlpha To set/get the transparency of drawing globalCompositeOperation To set/get, how a new drawing are drawn onto an existing old drawing lineCap To set/get the stroke end type lineDashOffset To set/get the outline position negative or positive directions along their axis lineJoin To set/get the stroke joint corner type lineWidth To set/get the stroke width miterLimit To set/get the maximum 'miter' length value of 'lineJoin' property shadowBlur To set/get the shadow blur shadowColor To set/get the shadow color shadowOffsetX To set/get the position of shadow along X-axis shadowOffsetY To set/get the position of shadow along Y-axis strokeStyle To set/get the drawing outline color, gradient or pattern textAlign To set/get the text alignment textBaseline To set/get text baseline
- turned_in_notAdvance
Methods Used cancelAnimationFrame() To cancel an animation created using requestAnimationFrame()
captureStream() To capture & play your canvas into a video element requestAnimationFrame() To start an animation toBlob() To convert your canvas drawing into an image format toDataURL() To convert your canvas drawing into an image format
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