Property Reference
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Properties | Used |
@font-face | To create custom fonts |
@keyframes | To create an animation frames |
@media | To create a different style rules for different media types/devices |
@import | To import external style sheet into another style sheet |
align-content (in flex) | To set the alignment of rows inside flex-container along y-axis |
align-content (in grid) | To set the alignment of rows inside grid-container along y-axis |
align-items (in flex) | To set the alignment of all flex-items inside flex-container along y-axis |
align-items (in grid) | To set the alignment of all the grid-items in their cell along y-axis |
align-self (in flex) | To set the alignment of selected flex-item along y-axis |
align-self (in grid) | To set the alignment of selected grid-item in their cell along y-axis |
all | To reset all properties declared before 'all' property to their initial or inherited value except direction and unicode-bidi |
animation-delay | To set the animation delay |
animation-direction | To set the animation playing direction order |
animation-duration | To set the time duration for an animation |
animation-fill-mode | To set the style for the element when the animation is not playing |
animation-iteration-count | To set the number of times an animation is going to play |
animation-name | To set the name of an @keyframes animation to play |
animation-play-state | To set the animation state to running or paused |
animation-range | To set the start and end of an css animation's attachment range along its timeline |
animation-timeline | To control the progress of a CSS animation |
animation-timing-function | To set the speed curve of an animation |
animation | To set some animation related properties in one |
aspect-ratio | To set an elament aspect ratio |
backface-visibility | To set the visibility of an element when facing opposite direction |
backdrop-filter | To chenge the background visual effect of an element's back |
background-attachment | To set whether a background image is fixed or scrolls with the rest of the page |
background-blend-mode | To set the blending mode for background layers |
background-clip | To set the background clipping area |
background-color | To set the background color |
background-image | To set image or gradient as the background |
background-origin | To set the origin position of the background image |
background-position-x | To set the position of the background image along x-axis |
background-position-y | To set the position of the background image along y-axis |
background-position | To set the position of the background image along xy-axis |
background-repeat | To set how to repeat the background image |
background-size | To set the size of the background image |
background | To set the background related properties in one |
border-bottom-color | To set the bottom border color |
border-bottom-left-radius | To set the bottom-left radius |
border-bottom-right-radius | To set the bottom-right radius |
border-bottom-style | To set the bottom border style |
border-bottom-width | To set the bottom border width |
border-bottom | To set all the bottom border related properties in one |
border-collapse | To set whether to collapse table borders or not |
border-color | To set all the border color related properties in one |
border-image-outset | To set the border image space area length |
border-image-repeat | To set how to repeat the border image |
border-image-slice | To set how to slice the border image |
border-image-source | To set the image file path of a border image |
border-image-width | To set the width of the border image |
border-image | To set the border image related properties in one |
border-left-color | To set the left border color |
border-left-style | To set the left border style |
border-left-width | To set the left border width |
border-left | To set all the left border related properties in one |
border-radius | To set all the border radius related properties in one |
border-right-color | To set the right border color |
border-right-style | To set the right border style |
border-right-width | To set the right border width |
border-right | To set all the right border related properties in one |
border-style | To set all the border style related properties in one |
border-spacing (in table) | To set the space(Xspace Yspace) between the borders of adjacent table cells, only works when 'border-collapse : separate' |
border-top-color | To set the top border color |
border-top-left-radius | To set the top-left radius |
border-top-right-radius | To set the top-right radius |
border-top-style | To set the top border style |
border-top-width | To set the top border width |
border-top | To set all the top border related properties in one |
border-width | To set all the bottom width related properties in one |
border | To set all the border related properties in one |
bottom | To set the bottom position of a positioned element |
box-shadow | To set the shadow to an element |
box-sizing | To set how elements width and height are calculated |
caption-side | To set the position of table caption |
caret-color | To set the color of an input cursor |
clear | To clear the float property effect |
clip-path | To show only clipping area of an element |
color | To set the text color |
content | To insert extra content while using : :before or : :after |
counter-increment | To increment the counter value |
counter-reset | To create or reset a counter |
cursor | To set the type of cursor to be displayed when pointing on an element |
direction | To set the text direction |
display | To set the display type for an element |
empty-cells | To set whether to show or hide background and borders of the empty cells |
filter | To change the visual effect of an element |
flex-basis | To set the width of selected flex-item if available |
flex-direction | To set the direction of flex-item |
flex-flow | To set the flex-direction and flex-wrap properties in one |
flex-grow | To grow the selected flex-item relative to the other flex-items |
flex-shrink | To shrink the selected flex-item relative to the other flex-items |
flex-wrap | To set whether the flex-items should wrap or not |
flex | To set the flex-grow, flex-shrink, flex-basis properties in one |
float | To set the floating direction |
font-family | To set the text font family |
font-size | To set the text font size |
font-style | To set the text font style |
font-variant | To set the text font variant |
font-weight | To set the text font weight |
font | To set the font related properties in one |
grid-area | To set area structure for grid-items |
grid-auto-columns | To set the extra grid-items width when number of grid-items exceeds the grid length |
grid-auto-flow | To set the grid-items arranging order row-wise(default) or column-wise |
grid-auto-rows | To set the extra grid-items height when number of grid-items exceeds the grid length |
grid-column-end | To set the selected grid-item ending column-line |
grid-column-gap | Now as column-gap, To set the gap between the columns |
grid-column-start | To set the selected grid-item starting column-line |
grid-column | To set grid-column-start & grid-column-end properties in one |
grid-gap | Now as gap, To set grid-column-gap & grid-row-gap properties in one |
grid-row-end | To set the selected grid-item ending row-line |
grid-row-gap | Now as row-gap, To set the gap between the rows |
grid-row-start | To set the selected grid-item starting row-line |
grid-row | To set grid-row-start & grid-row-end properties in one |
grid-template-areas | To set area structure for grid-items |
grid-template-columns | To set the number of columns of a grid and specify the width of it |
grid-template-rows | To set the number of rows of a grid and specify the height of it |
grid-template | To set grid-template related properties in one |
grid | To set grid-template, grid-template-rows, grid-template-columns, grid-auto-flow, grid-auto-columns and grid-auto-rows properties in one |
height | To set the height of an element |
inset | To set 'top right left bottom' all at once of an element |
justify-content (in flex) | To set the alignment of columns inside flex-container along x-axis |
justify-content (in grid) | To set the alignment of columns inside grid-container along x-axis |
justify-items | To set the alignment of all the grid-items in their cell along x-axis |
justify-self | To set the alignment of selected grid-item according to its value inside their cell along x-axis |
left | To set the left position of a positioned element |
letter-spacing | To set the length of space between letters |
line-height | To set the line height |
list-style-image | To set the list style image |
list-style-position | To set the list style position |
list-style-type | To set the list style type |
list-style | To set the list style related properties in one |
margin-bottom | To set the bottom margin |
margin-left | To set the left margin |
margin-right | To set the right margin |
margin-top | To set the top margin |
margin | To set the margin related properties in one |
mask | To mask an element |
mask-clip | To set the area that is affected by the mask image |
mask-composite | To setthe compositing operation used on the current masked layer |
mask-image | To set the mask image source |
mask-mode | To set the masking mode of the mask image |
mask-origin | To set the origin of a mask |
mask-position | To set the position of the mask image |
mask-repeat | To set any repetition of the mask image along XY axis |
mask-size | To set the size of mask image |
max-height | To set the maximum height for an element |
max-width | To set the maximum width for an element |
min-height | To set the minimum height for an element |
min-width | To set the minimum width for an element |
mix-blend-mode | To blend the current element's content with its parent background |
object-fit | To set the appearance of an image or a video inside a specific size |
object-position | To set the position of an image or a video inside a specific size |
opacity | To set the opacity of an element |
order | To sort the flex-items in the specified order |
outline-color | To set the outline color |
outline-offset | To set the outline space area length between outline & border |
outline-style | To set the outline style |
outline-width | To set the outline width |
outline | To set outline related properties in one |
overflow-x | To set overflow along x-axis |
overflow-y | To set overflow along y-axis |
overflow | To set overflow related properties in one |
overscroll-behavior | To stop default behavior like forward/backward/pull-to-refresh at xy-axis |
overscroll-behavior-x | To stop default behavior like forward/backward/ along x-axis |
overscroll-behavior-y | To stop default behavior pull-to-refresh aling y-axis |
padding-bottom | To set the bottom padding |
padding-left | To set the left padding |
padding-right | To set the right padding |
padding-top | To set the top padding |
padding | To set the padding related properties in one |
perspective-origin | To change the perspective position of 3D transformed element's child element |
perspective | To set the perspective view for a 3D transformed element's child element |
place-content | To set the align-content & justify-content in one |
place-items | To set the align-items & justify-items in one |
place-self | To set the align-self & justify-self in one |
pointer-events | To control whether the pointer based events will trigger or not, if any |
position | To set the position type of an element |
resize | To set whether an element is resizable or not by the user |
right | To set the right position of a positioned element |
scroll-behavior | To set the behavior for a scrolling |
scroll-snap-type | |
scroll-snap-align | |
scroll-snap-stop | |
src | To set the custom font family file path in @font-face |
table-layout | To set the table layout |
text-align-last | To set the alignment of text last line |
text-align | To set the alignment of text along x-axis |
text-decoration-color | To set the text decoration color |
text-decoration-line | To set the text decoration line |
text-decoration-style | To set the text decoration style |
text-decoration | To set the text decoration related properties in one |
text-indent | To set the text first line position from its actual position |
text-overflow | To set how to show the overflowed text |
text-shadow | To set the text shadow |
text-transform | To set the text case |
top | To set the top position of a positioned element |
touch-action | To restrict touch related controls |
transform (for 2D) | To transform an element in 2D |
transform (for 3D) | To transform an element in 3D |
transform-origin | To change the position of 2D or 3D transformed elements |
transform-style | To set how 3D transformed element's child elements are look like in 3D space |
transition-delay | To set the transition delay |
transition-duration | To set the time duration for the transition |
transition-property | To set the property name for which transition will occur |
transition-timing-function | To set the speed curve of a transition |
transition | To set the transition related properties in one |
user-select | To control the user selection |
vertical-align | To align an element vertically |
visibility | To set the visibility of an element |
white-space | To set how white-space inside an element is handled |
width | To set the width of an element |
word-break | To set how words will break |
word-spacing | To set the length of white space between words |
word-wrap | To set how long words will break |
writing-mode | To set the text writing mode |
z-index | To set the position of a positioned element along z-axis |
-webkit-text-stroke | To set text stroke width and color |
-webkit-text-stroke-width | To set text stroke width |
-webkit-text-stroke-color | To set text stroke color |
Extra Property | Used |
will-change | To hint browsers, which css-property is expected to change in an element (Properties are separated by comma)
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