Event Attributes

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It's like Pre-defined functional Attributes used to trigger your defined function according to your need

  • Well, Event Names itself helps you to guess easily, what it means
  • Remember, Attributes are called only inside the Start Tag of an element
  • Remember, All Event Attributes contains javascript as its value

Window Events Attribute

  • turned_in_notWindow Events Attribute
    onafterprintTriggers after the web page is printed
    onbeforeprintTriggers before the web page is printed
    onbeforeunloadTriggers before the web page loads
    onerrorTriggers when an error occurs
    onhashchangeTriggers when anchor part (start with "#") in web page url has changed
    onloadTriggers after the web page loads
    onmessageTriggers when the message is triggered
    onofflineTriggers when the browser goes offline
    ononlineTriggers when the browser goes online
    onpagehideTriggers when web page window is hidden
    onpageshowTriggers when web page window becomes visible
    onpopstateTriggers when the window's history changes
    onredoTriggers when the web page performs a redo
    onresizeTriggers when the browser window is resized
    onstorageTriggers when a web page loads
    onunloadTriggers when the browser window has been closed

Clipboard Events Attribute

  • turned_in_notClipboard Events Attribute
    oncopyTriggers when user copies the content of an element
    oncutTriggers when user cuts the content of an element
    onpasteTriggers when user paste the content in an element

Drag Events Attribute

  • turned_in_notDrag Events Attribute
    ondragTriggers when an element is dragged
    ondragendTriggers at the end of a drag operation
    ondragenterTriggers when an element has been dragged to a valid drop target
    ondragleaveTriggers when an element leaves a valid drop target
    ondragoverTriggers when an element is being dragged over a valid drop target
    ondragstartTriggers at the start of a drag operation
    ondropTriggers when dragged element is being dropped

Form Events Attribute

  • turned_in_notForm Events Attribute
    onblurTriggers when a window loses focus
    onchangeTriggers when an element changes
    oncontextmenuRuns when a context menu is triggered
    onfocusTriggers when a window gets focus
    oninputTriggers when form gets user input
    oninvalidTriggers when an element is invalid
    onresetTriggers when a form gets reset
    onsearchTriggers when the user type something on a search field
    onselectTriggers when some text has been selected in an element
    onsubmitTriggers when a form is submitted

Keyboard Events Attribute

  • turned_in_notKeyboard Events Attribute
    onkeydownTriggers when a user is pressing a key
    onkeypressTriggers when a user presses a key
    onkeyupTriggers when a user releases a key

Mouse Events Attribute

  • turned_in_notMouse Events Attribute
    onclickTriggers on a mouse click on an element
    ondblclickTriggers on a mouse double-click on an element
    onmousedownTriggers when a mouse button is pressed down on an element
    onmousemoveTriggers when the mouse pointer is moving
    onmouseoutTriggers when the mouse pointer moves out of an element
    onmouseoverTriggers when the mouse pointer moves over an element
    onmouseupTriggers when the mouse button is released over an element
    onwheelTriggers when mouse wheel rolls over an element
    onscrollTriggers when an element's scrollbar is being scrolled

Media Events Attribute

  • turned_in_notMedia Events Attribute
    onabortTriggers on an abort
    oncanplayTriggers when a file is ready to start playing
    oncanplaythroughTriggers when a media is fully ready to play
    oncuechangeTriggers when the cue changes in <track> element
    ondurationchangeTriggers when the length of a media is changed
    onemptiedTriggers when a media resource suddenly becomes unavailable
    onendedTriggers when the media has reaches to the end
    onerrorTriggers when an error occurs to the file which is being loaded
    onloadeddataTriggers when media data is loaded
    onloadedmetadataTriggers when the duration and other media data of a media is loaded
    onloadstartTriggers when the browser just starts loading the media data
    onpauseTriggers when the media is paused
    onplayTriggers when media is ready to start playing
    onplayingTriggers when media actually has started playing
    onprogressTriggers when the browser fetching the media data
    onratechangeTriggers when media playback rate changes
    onseekedTriggers when the seeking attribute of a media is false, and the seeking has ended
    onseekingTriggers when the seeking attribute of a media is true, and the seeking has begun
    onstalledTriggers when browser is unable to fetch the media data
    onsuspendTriggers when fetching of media data is stopped before it's fully loaded
    ontimeupdateTriggers when the media playing position has changed
    onvolumechangeTriggers when media volume changes
    onwaitingTriggers when media has paused, but is expected to resume

Touch Events Attribute

  • turned_in_notTouch Events Attribute
    ontouchstartTriggers when a finger is placed on a touch screen
    ontouchmoveTriggers when a finger is dragged/moved across the screen
    ontouchcancelTriggers when the touch is interrupted
    ontouchendTriggers when a finger is removed from a touch screen

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