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To handle JSON Strings in PHP

  • PHP is a server side scripting language
  • PHP also provides two methods to handle JSON data exchange
  • Remember! All data exchange happen between client and sever are always in the form of string
  • turned_in_notMethods
    • json_decode()
    • json_encode()

json_decode( )

Used to convert JSON String into an object

  • Similar to JSON.parse() at client side
  • Remember! You can also convert string like array via this method into an array
  • turned_in_notjson_decode
      $jsonString = '{"name":"Rahul","love":"Music"}';
      //Converting JSON String into an object
      //To access an object syntax (objectName->keyName)
      echo "My name is ".$obj->name;

    My name is Rahul

/* To access all key and values of an object inside PHP */

Key=name, Value=Rahul
Key=love, Value=Music
  $jsonString = '{"name":"Rahul","love":"Music"}';
  //Converting JSON String into an object
  //Accessing all key and values
  foreach($obj as $key => $value) {
    echo "Key=". $key .", Value=". $value ."<br>";

json_encode( )

Used to convert an object into JSON String

  • Similar to JSON.stringify() at client side
  • Remember! You can also convert an array via this method into a string and send it to the client
  • turned_in_notjson_encode
      class profile {}
      //Creating an object of class profile
      $obj=new profile();
      $obj->name = "Rahul";
      $obj->age = 23;
      $obj->love = "Music";
      //Converting an object into JSON String
      $myJSON = json_encode($obj);
      echo "My JSON String is ".$myJSON;

    My JSON String is {"name":"Rahul","age":23,"love":"Music"}

  • Remember! More like PHP, there are other server scripting languages that also provides similar JSON handling methods

    Like in Python 3.X, in library 'json',
    json.loads() used as json_parse() and  json.dumps() used as json_stringify() at server side

  • JSON Python
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