HTML/CSS Reference
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Methods | Used |
attr() | To set/get the specific attribute value, of the selected element |
css() | To set/get the specific css property value of the selected element |
html() | To set/get the HTML content of the selected element |
text() | To set/get the text content of the selected element |
val() | To set/get the value attribute of the selected form element |
height() | To set/get the height of the selected element |
innerHeight() | To get the height(only includes padding) of the selected element |
outerHeight() | To get the height(includes padding and border) of the selected element |
width() | To set/get the width of the selected element |
innerWidth() | To get the width(only includes padding) of the selected element |
outerWidth() | To get the width(includes padding and border) of the selected element |
offset() | To set/get the offset coordinates of the selected elements, relative to the left & top edge of the document |
position() | To get the position of the selected element relative to its parent element |
scrollLeft() | To set/get the horizontal scrollbar position for the selected element |
scrollTop() | To set/get the vertical scrollbar position for the selected element |
addClass() | To add one or more classes to the selected element |
hasClass() | To check if any of the selected elements having a specified class name or not |
removeClass() | To remove one or more classes to the selected element |
toggleClass() | To toggle between adding/removing one or more classes from the selected element |
append() | To add content inside the selected elements at the end of it |
appendTo() | To add content (only with HTML elements) inside the selected elements at the end of it |
prepend() | To add content inside the selected elements at the beginning of it |
prependTo() | To add content (only with HTML elements) inside the selected elements at the beginning of it |
after() | To add content just after the selected element |
insertAfter() | To add content (only with HTML elements) just after the selected element |
before() | To add content just before the selected element |
insertBefore() | To add content (only with HTML elements) just before the selected element |
clone() | To make a clone(can say copy) of selected element, including its child content |
detach() | To remove the selected element, including all its child content and not its events |
empty() | To remove only the selected element child content |
remove() | To remove the selected element, including all its child content and its events |
removeAttr() | To remove the specific Attribute value of the selected element |
replaceAll() | To replace all selected element with new HTML element content |
replaceWith() | To replace all selected element with new content |
wrap() | To wrap each selected element with an HTML element |
wrapAll() | To wrap all selected element with an HTML element |
wrapInner() | To wrap each selected elements inside content with an HTML element |
unwrap() | To unwrap(remove) only parent element's HTML element, not the content, of each selected element |
data() | To store data to, or get stored data from, selected element |
removeData() | To remove data stored by data() |
prop() | To be used similar way like attr() or data() . On Add-on, it also provides a way to explicitly set or retrieve javaScript DOM element properties value |
removeProp() | To remove stored value set by only prop() method |
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