HTML/CSS Reference

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HTML/CSS methods are being used to do some HTML/CSS related action on selected elements

attr()To set/get the specific attribute value, of the selected element
css()To set/get the specific css property value of the selected element
html()To set/get the HTML content of the selected element
text()To set/get the text content of the selected element
val()To set/get the value attribute of the selected form element
height()To set/get the height of the selected element
innerHeight()To get the height(only includes padding) of the selected element
outerHeight()To get the height(includes padding and border) of the selected element
width()To set/get the width of the selected element
innerWidth()To get the width(only includes padding) of the selected element
outerWidth()To get the width(includes padding and border) of the selected element
offset()To set/get the offset coordinates of the selected elements, relative to the left & top edge of the document
position()To get the position of the selected element relative to its parent element
scrollLeft()To set/get the horizontal scrollbar position for the selected element
scrollTop()To set/get the vertical scrollbar position for the selected element
addClass()To add one or more classes to the selected element
hasClass()To check if any of the selected elements having a specified class name or not
removeClass()To remove one or more classes to the selected element
toggleClass()To toggle between adding/removing one or more classes from the selected element
append()To add content inside the selected elements at the end of it
appendTo()To add content (only with HTML elements) inside the selected elements at the end of it
prepend()To add content inside the selected elements at the beginning of it
prependTo()To add content (only with HTML elements) inside the selected elements at the beginning of it
after()To add content just after the selected element
insertAfter()To add content (only with HTML elements) just after the selected element
before()To add content just before the selected element
insertBefore()To add content (only with HTML elements) just before the selected element
clone()To make a clone(can say copy) of selected element, including its child content
detach()To remove the selected element, including all its child content and not its events
empty()To remove only the selected element child content
remove()To remove the selected element, including all its child content and its events
removeAttr()To remove the specific Attribute value of the selected element
replaceAll()To replace all selected element with new HTML element content
replaceWith()To replace all selected element with new content
wrap()To wrap each selected element with an HTML element
wrapAll()To wrap all selected element with an HTML element
wrapInner()To wrap each selected elements inside content with an HTML element
unwrap()To unwrap(remove) only parent element's HTML element, not the content, of each selected element
data()To store data to, or get stored data from, selected element
removeData()To remove data stored by data()
prop()To be used similar way like attr() or data(). On Add-on, it also provides a way to explicitly set or retrieve javaScript DOM element properties value
removeProp()To remove stored value set by only prop() method

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