Traversing Reference
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Methods | Used |
closest() | To select the closest ancestor to the selected elements |
offsetParent() | To select the root parent element of the selected element |
parent() | To select the direct parent element of the selected element |
parents() | To select all the ancestors of the selected element |
parentsUntil() | To select all the ancestors or specific-ancestors of the selected element before the specified ancestors |
children() | To select the direct descendant(child) of the selected element |
contents() | To select the direct descendant(child) of the selected element including text node |
find() | To select the specific descendant(child) of the selected element |
siblings() | To select all the siblings(children with same parent) of the selected element |
next() | To select the sibling(children with same parent) of the selected element declared just after it |
nextAll() | To select all the siblings(children with same parent) of the selected element declared after it |
nextUntil() | To select all the siblings of the selected element declared after it and before the specific sibling |
prev() | To select the sibling(children with same parent) of the selected element declared just before it |
prevAll() | To select all the siblings(children with same parent) of the selected element declared before it |
prevUntil() | To select all the siblings of the selected element declared before it and before the specific sibling |
add() | To add elements to the selected elements |
end() | To end the most recent selector operation in the current chain |
addBack() | To add the previous set of elements on the stack to the current set |
each() | To runs a function for each selected element |
eq() | To select the specific index element of the selected element |
filter() | To filter specific element from the selected elements |
first() | To select the first element of the selected element |
last() | To select the last element of the selected element |
has() | To select element having one or more specific child inside the selected element |
is() | To just check the selected element, whether anyone of them having specific type of element or not |
not() | To select element within the selected elements which is not having specific-selector |
map() | To pass each element in the matched set through a function, producing a new jQuery object containing the return values |
slice() | To slice the selected elements |
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