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Defines the graphic that is used for showing some more informative shapes
- Marker are used only with
<line> <path> <polyline> <polygon>
(or can say, elements, used to create dynamic shapes) - Used to attach marker to the shapes
- turned_in_notRelated Tag
- turned_in_notMarker Related Properties
: To add marker at start pointmarker-mid
: To add marker at mid pointsmarker-end
: To add marker at end pointmarker
: To add same marker at start, mid and end points
Used to provide more information on a shape you draw
<marker id="anyId"
preserveAspectRatio="none|(xMinYMin|xMidYMin|xMaxYMin|xMinYMid|xMidYMid|xMaxYMid|xMinYMax|xMidYMax|xMaxYMax meet|slice)"
viewBox="minX minY width height">
<!--Your marker design-->
- label_outlinemarker Attributes
- id - To reference the marker
- markerHeight - The height of marker
- markerWidth - The width of marker
- markerUnits - Specify the coordinate system for its attributes (Default : "strokeWidth")
- refX, refY - The marker reference point along xy-axis (Default : "0")
- orient - How marker elements are shown on any path or shape (Default : "0")
- viewBox - Specify which portion of your coordinates are visible within the specified width and height
- preserveAspectRatio - specify how an element with different aspect ratio provided by viewBox must fit into a viewport
<svg height="100" width="200">
<!-- arrow marker design -->
<marker id="arrow" viewBox="0 0 10 10" refX="5" refY="5"
markerWidth="5" markerHeight="5" orient="auto">
<path d="M0 0 L10 5 L0 10 L3 5 z" fill="red" fill-opacity="0.8" />
<!-- adding marker to a shape or path -->
<polyline points="20 20, 20 80, 80 80, 80 40" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="3"
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