To control viewing portion for your vector graphics
- turned_in_notViewport Related Attributes
Used to specify which portion of your coordinates are visible within the specified width and height
- Elements using this attributes are:
<svg> <symbol> <marker> <pattern> <view>
viewBox="minX minY width height"
- label_outlineMore Detailed
- minX, minY: The minX and minY coordinate of viewBox must be visible within the viewport region
- width, height: The width and height from the (minX, minY) of viewBox must also be visible within the viewport region
In below example we fix the minX and minY to 0 and showing only the coordinates upto the width and height of viewBox
To position the viewBox you need the preserveAspectRatio attribute, described just below after this
viewBox=" 0 0 200 100 "
<svg height="100" width="100" viewBox="0 0 200 100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40"
Used to specify how an element with different aspect ratio provided by viewBox must fit into a viewport, default value is 'xMidYMid meet'
- Elements using this attributes are:
<svg> <symbol> <image> <feImage> <marker> <pattern> <view>
- viewBox attribute must required to see the affect of preserveAspectRatio (Not required only for
<image> <feImage>
preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin|xMidYMin|xMaxYMin|xMinYMid|xMidYMid|xMaxYMid|xMinYMax|xMidYMax|xMaxYMax meet|slice"
Syntax - When width > height
preserveAspectRatio="xMinY__|xMidY__|xMaxY__ meet"
preserveAspectRatio="x__YMin|x__YMid|x__YMax slice"
Syntax - When width < height
preserveAspectRatio="xMinY__|xMidY__|xMaxY__ slice"
preserveAspectRatio="x__YMin|x__YMid|x__YMax meet"
- label_outlineMore Detailed
* Contains any combination of xMin, xMid, xMax, YMin, YMid, YMax
To position your viewBox within the viewport (the viewing portion of an element)
Y__ means can be any from YMin, YMid, YMax, and
x__ means can be any from xMin, xMid, xMax- xMin: Align the minX of the element's viewBox with the smallest X value of the viewport
- xMid: Align the midpoint X value of the element's viewBox with the midpoint X value of the viewport
- xMax: Align the minX + width of the element's viewBox with the maximum X value of the viewport
- YMin: Align the minY of the element's viewBox with the smallest Y value of the viewport
- YMid: Align the midpoint Y value of the element's viewBox with the midpoint Y value of the viewport
- YMax: Align the minY + height of the element's viewBox with the maximum Y value of the viewport
To render your viewBox elements- meet: (default) Align the element's according to its own viewBox coordinates, and the entire viewBox is visible within its viewport
- slice: Align the element's according to its own viewBox coordinates, and the entire viewport is covered by its viewBox
- none: Align the element's according to its own viewBox coordinates, and 100% viewBox is visible within 100% viewport, it will stretch the coordinates according to aspect-ratio